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Web Marketting

SMO Packages Bronze Silver Gold – Recommended
Package Cost 3 months $499 $699 $899
Monthly from 4th Month Onwards $119 $199 $249
Minimum Contract Duration 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months
Creation & Customization of Social Media Accounts (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube). 3 Social Networks 4 Social Networks 5 Social Networks
Network Suggestion and Social Media Strategy Development

not included

not included

not included

Total number of UNIQUE posts (Weekly) 20 25 35
Total number of posts in all networks (Weekly) 60 100 175
Graphic Designers involvement to give the content and social channels' user interface a branded look

not included

not included

not included

Daily interactions with fans & followers

not included

not included

not included

Increase Social Channels Popularity (Get more new people on the networks and engage them with  your social brand presence.)

not included

not included

not included

Reputation Management Monitoring on each networks

not included

not included

not included

Trending Topics Research and use them to increase the posts' visibility

not included

not included

not included

Campaign (Poll / Contest / Promotion)

not included

not included

not included

SMO Activity Reports Monthly

not included

not included

not included